Sunday, April 18, 2010

Moab or Bust!!

Just got back from Moab today, and we had a blast!! The kids did so good on the long drives to Moab and then back home, and were AMAZING on the hikes and arduous bike rides. Ollie did a 2 mile hike without any HELP, and Ave even did some hiking/climbing. It was so fun for our kids to have some special bonding time with their cousins while we were there - I love vacationing with relatives! Bayli is Avery's new swim instructor/baby sitter, and Corbyn taught Ollie all kids of things - how to cannon ball into the pool, how to dive for coins on the bottom of the pool, how to pop the lid off a water bottle like a bullet, how to hunt lizards and scorpions, etc, etc! Grandma Geniel also went a long way to boost Oliver's confidence on his spiderman bike by coaching him along on our bike ride around the town. Some funny things I must blog about right now to preserve for posterity - Avery decided to potty train herself 4 days before we left for Moab. I was not sure how the trip would go with this new step, but she did very well. We got ourselves a little port-a-potty (that is why the back pack I am carrying in the pic is so freakin' huge!), and it was a lifesaver! There were a few mishaps here and there, but fo the most part, it went great. Another funny thing - on the car ride down to Moab there was construction in the canyon before Price, and we had to keep driving over the rumble strip in the road as the lane got diverted from one side to the other. At some point Oliver made a comment, "that's my favorite noise," (he is developing his sense of sarcasm early I think), and after that every time we drove over the rumble strip Avery said that it was "her favorite noise," and then did this very funny fake laugh after. I will post some more pics from the trip soon!

1 comment:

Carrera said...

Yay for a great trip it sounds like!! I am SO sad I couldn't come..but next time this summer for SURE!
I love your stories :) 3 Days till school is done and then we will have to get together and you can tell more. Ollie and Ave always provide the BEST stories for you to tell, I love them!

Cute pic :)