Sunday, August 31, 2008

The kids hit big milestones!

This last week was a big one for Ollie and Ave, both of whom hit big developmental milestones. Ollie is now fully potty trained (Mom says "woohoo!!"), and Avery said her first word, mum-mum (which we're sure means "Mommy"). It's always great to be a parent, but this week was even better than most!

Happy Birthday Mom!!

We celebrated Lisa's mom's birthday today (her birthday is Sept. 1st), and because she is such a great grandma, she chose to go to the splash pad and playground for a birthday picnic. She and Grandpa Curt helped Oliver use his magic "hotdog making machine" that he found on the playground to turn wood chips into hotdogs and babbled with Avery. Grandpa Curt was such a good playmate for Oliver on the water toys, and Oliver actually said after seeing Grandpa run through one of the sprinklers, "Wow, he's having fun!" Check out the slideshows to the right for pics of our fun outing.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Marathon Sunday

We had Grandpa Scott's birthday party at the farm yesterday, as well as a picnic at Forest Green park after with my family. Both were great. Jed tried pushing sister in the farm swing and found that she LOVED it! He was so proud of himself! Jed also got to show off his Yellow Bee flying skills to my family for the first time. We were tired by the end of the day, but the kids didn't have any tantrums, and it was great to see so much of our family in one day.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

We took our little monkeys to the zoo

We went to the zoo on Friday with Wendy, Kade, Carrera, Stacy, Blake, Parker, and Austin. It was a great time - not too hot, a lot of the animals were active (much more exciting than when they are sleeping), and the kids were great! I love how the giraffe is posing in this picture with the kids! Thanks to Carrera for the zoo pics - I stole them from her blog!

Our House!

It doesn't look like much, but we're so excited! We go out everyday to see what is happening - we just can't stay away.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The whole bunch

Here is my wonderful husband being a great dad to our two children - Oliver (3 1/2 years) and Avery (8 months). The reason it looks like all our stuff is behind them is because it is - we are living in my mother-in-law's basement while we build our new house. It actually looks a lot more cramped in this picture than it really is - we are pleasantly surprised to find we actually like living with family! My mom-in-law (Sharma) is incredibly sweet and Oliver has a great time with her - I think he will remember living with Grandma fondly for the rest of his life.